True Tales from the Edgar Cayce Archives
Lives Touched and Lessons Learned from the Sleeping Prophet
Sidney D. Kirkpatrick
Saturday, May 4, 2019
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CT
Brentwood Library
8109 Concord Road
Brentwood, TN 37027

Long before psychic mediums John Edward or Sylvia Browne, there was a poor Kentucky farm boy named Edgar Cayce whose life-transforming concepts and amazing psychic readings made him the father of holistic medicine and the engine behind what became the New Age movement. It has not been until now, however—when Sidney D. Kirkpatrick, internationally acclaimed New York Times bestselling author of Edgar Cayce: An American Prophet, was given full and unrestricted access to Edgar Cayce’s papers—that the real story of the “sleeping prophet” can be told.
Edgar Cayce could not do what he did alone. He needed someone to put questions to him, and someone to record and transcribe the discourse. He needed someone who genuinely wanted his help. He needed a team, a group of family, friends, and supporters-- just as his readings tell us that we need a group with whom, and by design, we are to share life’s experience—our soul group.
This wisdom with the Edgar Cayce readings is as relevant today-often even more so-as it was when it was first delivered. Sidney shares the wisdom of the Cayce readings with warmth, humor, and insight, including:
Fascinating stories, humorous anecdotes, and soul growth guidance
Exploring Cayce’s soul group—and what you can learn from their experiences, challenges, and triumphs
Tales from the vault, such as what Cayce told Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla about the nature of electricity and anti-gravity, and what he said about the role of women in the founding of the Christian church—long before the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered
One-of-a-kind circumstances under which Cayce’s psychic gift is found to be astonishingly accurate and helpful to the lives he touched
How we can each identify and work within our own soul groups to bring love, joy, and miracles into our own lives
Register now for this one-day workshop in the Nashville, TN area on Saturday, May 4, 2019 featuring documentary film-maker, and best-selling author, Sidney D. Kirkpatrick. Sidney will be speaking on the topic of "True Tales and Lessons Learned from the Edgar Cayce Archives."
Location: Brentwood Library
8109 Concord Road
Brentwood, TN 37027
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
At-door check in and registration/book tables open at 8:30 a.m.
Meal break: Noon to 1:30 p.m. (A list of restaurants within driving distance will be provided.)
Ticket Cost: Option #1 Members $85 each
Option #2 Member, plus 1 (Additional Member Tickets for Friends and/or family $60 each)
Option #3 Nonmembers $105 each
Option #4 Nonmember, plus 1 (Additional Non-members Tickets for Friends and/or Family $80 each
When purchasing tickets online, please select the price for member or non-member and include the name, email address and phone number of each participant in the info box below the price option.
Individual Ticket prices beginning April 20, 2019: Members $85 and Nonmembers $105.
* Please Note: As an incentive to expand our reach to a larger group, you may purchase one or more additional tickets for friends and/or family members at the time of your initial ticket purchase and save $25 on each additional ticket. This discount will apply to both A.R.E. members and nonmembers. You may purchase one additional ticket at $25 off online. If you wish to purchase more than one additional ticket, please send a check to Starr Messick at the address below, and be sure to include the names and contact information of all the participants.
If you prefer to send a check rather than register online, please specify the number of tickets you want and for whom. Include the name, address, phone number and e-mail address of all participants, and indicate if participants are A.R.E. members or non-members. Make checks payable to the Nashville & Middle TN Area A.R.E. and mail to:​
Nashville & Middle TN Area A.R.E.
c/o Starr Messick
201A Leake Avenue
Nashville, TN 37205
For questions regarding this or other Nashville & Middle TN Area A.R.E. events contact:
Event Coordinator - Starr Messick, starr.messick@comcast.net, Ph: 917-553-9357.
The Edgar Cayce story challenges the imagination: A backwoods uneducated Kentucky farm boy becomes the greatest psychic of modern times. In a waking state, he lived a humble existence as a portrait photographer, devoted husband and father, and church deacon. In a trance state, however, he tapped into universal knowledge and could correctly answer almost any question put to him. He diagnosed illness and recommended cures for crippling diseases and intractable medical conditions. He would help make millions for investors on Wall Street and would find oil wells in Texas. He could peer into the distant past and preview the future. He could look into the deepest darkest recesses of people’s souls and then provide enlightenment and encouragement. Even the staunchest of skeptics, including Harry Houdini, became convinced. Nevertheless, Edgar and his family’s lives were filled with hardship and struggle. Yet out of their trials and tribulations would come a body of work that has become a source of inspiration and a powerful force for change in the lives of tens of millions of people around the world.
Drawing on never-before revealed documents, stories, and photographs from the Cayce vault in Virginia Beach, Kirkpatrick shares insights that Cayce provided. Edgar Cayce could not do what he did alone. Deep in a hypnotic trance, he had no memory of anything that transpired. He needed someone to put questions to him, and someone to record and transcribe the discourse. Most important, he needed someone who genuinely wanted his help. He needed a team, just as the trance readings tell us that all of us need a team or partners with whom, and by design, we are to share life’s experience. Understanding our team’s challenges, triumphs, failures and desires is to understand the higher purpose of our own life’s journey. Join Sidney Kirkpatrick, co-author with his wife, Nancy, of Edgar Cayce, An American Prophetand True Tales from the Edgar Cayce Archives, for insights into how Edgar Cayce touched the lives of those who had readings.
Sidney D. Kirkpatrick is an award-winning filmmaker and international best-selling author. His critically acclaimed non-fiction books include A Cast of Killers, Turning the Tide, and Edgar Cayce: An American Prophet (978-1573228961). Biographical profiles of Kirkpatrick have appeared in The New York Times, Time Magazine, and The New Yorker. He is a graduate of Hampshire College and New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. He lives with his wife Nancy, with whom he has often collaborated on ghost-written projects.
Nancy Kirkpatrick is a writer, editor, and ghost writer. As a student of the Edgar Cayce readings since her teens, she has long sought to introduce the Cayce material to others and worked with the Cayce approach to help students and their families while administrator of a Waldorf School. In partnership with her husband, she worked for five years researching and writing the book Edgar Cayce: An American Prophet, before partnering again with Sidney on this new title.
Please Note: This event is not sponsored by the Brentwood Library.